Friday, July 09, 2004

question ...

is it bad to buy pot from your little sister's friends ? also is it bad to hold her beer for her while her friends are weighing your pot and she is fishing around in her purse looking for papers ? is it really bad that i want her to come home so she can roll me some joints ?

i am going to sister hell.

come sail away

last night Hamo tried to go sailing. i told her it was freezing here, but she didn't listen to me. needless to say, she didn't go, but she did get a damn good meal at Piccolo Mondo. BUT, the hot chef that i love at the italian market did not talk to her today, he talked to me. yes, it would be ME that he asked to go to the jazz festival sometime this week. AAAAH ! i may die of excitement ... or horniness ... ew. terrible made-up word. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

introducing hamo

look ! it's hamo at graduation ! get it ? ham + homo = hamo
Posted by Hello